Thursday, November 25, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Videos

After a long break without news, we have two short videos showing the current setup. We faced many different problems, the most important being a faulty pump. Now, after installing a submersible pump the problems have pretty much ceased.
We are attacked by viruses and bugs, and they decimated our spinach, and cucumber plants.
The lettuces and cucumbers seem to be doing well. We have harvested a few cucumbers and lots of lettuce so far, as well as a few little green chillies.
The fish are growing but we lost a couple of big ones due to a full day power cut after the near cyclone.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How it works

Here's a sketch of a typical aquaponics system and the various components that we made in Google Sketchup.

Open Greenhouse August 15th

The open house on August 15th went pretty well, we had about 40 visitors and everyone was positive about the results so far.
Fish deaths seem to be under control now, we still have a couple of deaths a day but it is much more stable. We are still facing problems with the pump and foot valve, but hopefully this has been solved.
Here are some pictures of the open house.